At Prime Medical Associates, we offer our patients screenings or physical examinations as a routine test performed to check your overall health and determine if you are fit for work
Annual Adult Exams
Routine General Preventive Medical Exams including Physicals for Medicare, Back to School, College, Sports, Employment/Work, and Preoperative Clearance Exams
Complete medical history and physical exam
Comprehensive physical exam
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
Blood work - including, but not limited to screening management of diabetes, cholesterol, thyroid, vitamin deficiency, kidney, Lyme's disease, arthritis, endocrine, prostate and liver diseases
Immunizations for disease prevention
Mental health, depression, anxiety and substance abuse screening
Review of lab work and radiology; Health Insurance Card/Information
Development of a comprehensive plan of care to treat medical problems, incorporating lifestyle and behavior modifications including nicotine cessation and weight management programs
Employment and Pre-Employment Health Exams
Complete medical history and physical exam
Bloodwork for measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, hepatitis
Screening for exposure to Tb (tuberculosis) - PPD /Mantoux screening